6 gen 2020

Karma and Sex

The understanding and acceptance of the Eastern concept of Karma is particularly important to every person who wishes to apply the Tantric teachings in his or her life. The operation of Karma in everyday life should be constantly studied. The causes of events often seem mysterious, yet if we look carefully at the play of forces from a Karmic viewpoint, we can more easily understand the subtle workings of destiny. Although the general idea of Karma, the law of action and reaction, has been accepted in contemporary Western thought, a highly developed intuition of its precise workings is rarely found. According to the Eastern view, Karma shapes reality; the events we are currently experiencing are a direct result of our past actions, either in this life or a previous one. And our present attitudes and actions likewise determine our future. This principle is as true for the world of physics as it is for the drama of individual and collective life.


Karmas migrate, like birds, from life to life, attaching themselves to the life-force. These Karmic forces are modified by conscious action during successive lifetimes. The Prana Upanishad declares that "Whatever is
thought of at the moment of death unites a person with his or her primary Prana; then the Prana unites with the soul and leads the individual into rebirth in whatever realm is suitable." We have, in previous sections, referred
to the upward- and downward-moving vitalities of the body, and also introduced the concept of the upper and lower gates of our bodily temple. These are the gates through which Prana (life-force, breath) and Karma enter and leave this body; without a combination of these two, an individual would not be reincarnated.

The Prana Upanishad, an early Hindu text, states: "The Prana enters the body at birth, that the desires of the mind, continuing from past lives, may be fulfilled." Personal motivations are the "desires of the mind"; usually, these unconscious motivations surface at times of agony or ecstasy. Tantras explain that an individual can learn to dissolve Karma by the action of the inner fire, by sense withdrawal, by meditation and absolute inner stillness, and by participating in the same activities that create the Karma, only with such care and consciousness that the original binding desires are transcended. Furthermore, if a person can live dynamically "in the present," past influences can be transcended.

Karmic forces move through the channels of the Subtle Body and also pervade the outer world, manifesting in everyday events. Every moment is a Karmic experience; by contemplating and correlating these moments we can rediscover the Eternal Now within ourselves.

The israeli desert and me

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, another early text, gives us this interesting view of Karma: "The man who practices sexual intercourse while knowing the formula of Karma and its action takes to himself the accumulated good Karma of the woman; he who makes love without knowing such a formula stands the risk of losing his accumulated good Karma to her." During love-making, the vital forces of the couple blend; their individual Karmas converge and an exchange takes place that can affect their individual or joint destinies. What actually happens depends on the degree of consciousness of the couple. If one is more aware than the other, selfishness will result in a negative Karmic exchange. On the other hand, if loving compassion dominates, a positive Karmic exchange
is created. This one of the subtle purposes behind sexual initiations, a secret practice common to most mystery teachings. (I am in love with this idea!!!! So true)

Selfish motivation should not be present during love-making, but rather a desire to benefit the loved one and attain spiritual ideals. In this way the relationship between Karma and sex is best served. Dedicate your union to the enrichment of your lover. Such an exchange happens spontaneously and naturally when two people find themselves totally and completely in love. However, a conscious awareness of the intermingling of the energies of Karma and sex will greatly assist the evolution of the couple.

Karma leads, Karma moves,
Karma takes, Karma follows;
Karma binds, Karma releases,
Karma gives, Karma never rests.
The intelligent Yogi watches
Karma and learns its ways; then,
through the power of spirituality,
steps aside from Karma.

Namaste 🤍


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