22 dic 2019

What is Mantra and how is Mantra Meditation different from other types of meditation? (+ some of my favortie mantras)

Mantra meditation is one of the most effective styles of meditation out there. When I say effective, I mean, it works to focus, and consequently, quiet, the mind in a way other forms of meditation don’t do. Mantras serve as focusing devices for making the mind one-pointed and calm. The vibrations of the mantra have been linked to the vibration of someone shaking your shoulders to wake you up from sleep. A mantra is designed to awaken the mind from its habitual sleep of ignorance.

For example, Vipassana Meditation (which I tried this year for the first time), a form used in the world of Mindfulness, is considered an open meditation. You might use your breath as a means of focus to begin. But, as time goes on, you’ll begin bringing your awareness to whatever else exists in your internal and external environment. In this form, it’s as if you’re watching and witnessing anything and everything that comes into your consciousness, with a non-judgmental kind of attention. It allows for whatever comes in.


Mantra meditation, on the other hand, doesn’t aim for this kind of open allowing. It works in a different way, making use of a mantra, or sacred sound, to focus the mind. When we sit to practice mantra meditation, we train our attention to focus solely upon the sound of the mantra and nothing else.

A mantra can be thought of as a kind of tool for the mind. It has an uncanny way of bringing the awareness into stillness, that’s then directed toward a particular sacred sound. The mantra is then repeated over and over again. This continual repetition of sound brings our minds into a kind of trance-like state. Once we reach this trance-like state, our minds can relax deeper and deeper. It shifts our brains into a deep state of relaxation, which has a deeply healing impact.

The rhythm of the sound will work on a subconscious level and permeate our inner rhythms.

Spoken aloud (or even just to listening to audio) for a few minutes in the morning, an effective mantra can reverberate silently in the mind all day long.  When I traveled to India, I used to listen in the bars in the morning for a repeating mantra for 2 hours, and it made me peaceful, relax and concentrate, also helped to raise my intuition. You can try it on your way to work, while stuck in traffic, interesting how do you feel when you will arrive to your workplace.

For this reason, mantra meditation is one of the best forms of meditation to focus the busy, modern-day mind. It’s also fun, with so many mantras to choose from.

with my beautiful Guru Leta

My favorite Mantras:

Aum or the Om

Pronounced ‘Ohm’. It means ‘It Is, Will Be or To Become’. It is the most universal mantra. For its simplicity and specific sound, it is considered to be the sound of the universe. It represents the original vibration, the cycle of life – the birth and death. Reincarnation.
Research tells us there could be a scientific reason behind the popularity of Aum. Chanting Aum is thought to match the natural frequency of the universe – 432 Hertz, thereby bringing us to harmonically resonate with the cosmos. In contrast, most modern music is thought to be consistent with the 440 Hertz frequency.
Aligning yourself with the lower frequency will calm you down and ease you into your meditation process.
If you want to have more energy on a specific day, make the OHHH part longer. Instead, if you want to relax and to be calmer, make the sound OH short and make a long sound of MMMMMMM. You should try both and you can feel the differences if you don’t believe J.


The mantra is pronounced as ‘Aah-ham-pree-mah’. It translates to ‘I am Divine Love’.
Chanting this mantra, you are aligning yourself with divine love – everything that unconditional love is and can be for you. Acceptance, purity, compliance, admiration, adoration, appreciation, gratitude, forgiveness, affection, emotion, harmony.
‘Aham Prema’ is a simple mantra to be repeated in a chant 108 times. It brings together mind, body, and soul in peace. It will help you leave your past behind. It will clear your mind from distraction and will give you purpose. ‘Aham Prema’ will energize you and give you a fresh start.

"Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu"
is commonly associated with the Jivamukti Yoga School. It translates to "May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all." It is a powerful chant that focuses on living a life as a servant to the greater good. It encourages cooperation, compassion and living in harmony, not only among other humans but with nature as well.

my village during the 3 months I lived in Mamma India

There are so many different mantras you can use, you can also decide on a sentence which you would like to repeat.
 Another option is to put Audio of the Mantra and listen to it. I used to listen to THAT one for hours during the time I used to live in Dharamkot, India. I used to sit each morning in the coffee shop, drinking Lemon Ginger, after coffee, and meanwhile listen to it (all the cafe around that area playing it for 2 hours each morning). Perfect mornings!! We used to sing it and other Mantras  during class


If you like the post please share it, you can check also my Instagram page @primavera.yoga , and my FB page: PRIMAVERA YOGA



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