Chakras and chakra system – 7 energy centers that live in certain areas of our bodies and relate to certain life experiences:
• 1st chakra – sex center: pelvis, genitals, legs, feet, buttocks
• 2nd chakra – lower belly: beneath the navel and sacrum area on the back
• 3rd chakra – solar plexus: center of the body between the belly button and end of Sternum and center of the back.
• 4th chakra – heart: center of the chest between the nipples, breasts, armpits, arms, and hands, back between the shoulder blades.
• 5th chakra – throat: neck, Adam’s apple.
• 6th chakra – third eye: center of the brow, between the two eyebrows, end of nose and back of the head opposite the brow, linked to the Pineal gland in the center of the brain.
• 7th chakra – crown: top of the head and above the head.
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Today, I’d like to touch upon the inner workings of the fifth chakra, the throat chakra. This is the chakra that’s found in the subtle body near the throat. In Sanskrit, it’s known as visuddha.
It’s an important chakra to learn how to balance—especially for those of us who have a hard time speaking our innermost truth. If you have a difficult time expressing yourself, pay attention. The fifth chakra attributes include listening, speaking, writing, chanting, telepathy, and any of the arts- especially those related to sound and language.
For knowing more about the Mantras, you can check my article
In this article, we’re going to explore how to develop and balance our throat chakra, in order to find and express truth.
The fifth Chakras
Each chakra corresponds to various parts of the body. Your throat chakra is said to govern the vocal cords, upper lungs, ears, mouth, and throat, as well as the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the neck, jaw, tongue, and larynx.Every chakra is also related to an element. The throat chakra is ruled by the element of ether, or space. (The element ether, called “akasha” in Sanskrit is the first of the five great elements -earth, water, air, and fire-. It comes first because it is the most subtle of the elements. Often referred to as “space,” (or spirit) it is the essence of emptiness. It is the space the other elements fill. The element ether represents a world of vibrations- the emanations of living things that we experience as the aura, as sound, and as subtle plane of whispered impressions on the mind into which our more solid realities are enfolded))
There are also various seed, or bija, mantras related to each of the seven chakras. The one that enhances throat chakra healing is HAM.
Hans Jenny - Cymatics - sound waves produce patterns with remarkable similarity to forms found in the nature, such as spiral galaxies, iris and pupil pf the human eye. so amazing and make you think how sounds effect the minute cellular and atomic structores in our bodies
How to Tell if Your Visuddha Chakra Is Imbalanced
When your throat chakra is working optimally, your ability to express yourself and communicate freely and clearly comes naturally. You find it important and easy to speak from your highest truth.When the energy within this chakra is flowing freely, you also have a way of listening deeply in order to understand the truths of your loved ones.
When your throat chakra is blocked or unbalanced, communication problems arise. You may find it difficult to speak up or have problems listening to others. When we notice these issues, it is best to spend some time healing and balancing your throat chakra.
Pranayama for Visuddha Chakra
To help open visuddha chakra, you’ll want to commit to a regular pranayama practice, and preferably one that’s geared specifically to the throat chakra. Some of the best ways to open this chakra are to practice the lion’s breath and ujjayi breath. Both of these techniques warm the throat area and stimulate energy around the throat chakra.Bumblebee breath is yet another technique to work on. Notice how your throat is stimulated when you practice bumblebee breath. Choose one or two of these techniques—whichever ones resonate with you. Then practice them daily, perhaps before or after your asana practice or before your meditation.
Yoga Asana to Open Visuddha Chakra
Every yoga posture helps open certain chakra centers within the body. As such, you can craft entire yoga sequences around a specific chakra. The best postures for vishuddha chakra focus on the throat and include:• Bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana)
• Camel pose (ustrasana)
• Plow pose (halasana)
• Supported shoulder stand (salamba sarvangasana)
Even simple neck rolls are great for the throat chakra. The neck much of the time acts as a filter between the abundant flow of energy between the mind and the body. This causes it to be extremely subject to tension and stiffness. Loosening the neck is an essential beginning for any work on the fifth chakra. You can also massage it with your fingers.
Head lifts help to stimulate the thyroid gland and helps strengthen the neck. Lie flat on your back and relax. Slowly lift your head, leaving your shoulders on the floor, so that you are looking at your toes. Hold this position until you feel the energy move into the beck.
Use your own knowledge and intuitive powers to work this area of the subtle body.
Chakra Meditation Music to Unblock Throat Chakra
Vow of Silence
Listening is an essential and too often overlooked component of communication. Yogis often take vows of silence for extended periods of time to purify their vibrations of audible sound and better tune into subtle sounds. By avoiding verbal communication, one can open up other avenues of communication, namely communication with higher consciousness. You can try a Vipassana retreat.Consider How You Might Find Your Truth Through Visuddha Chakra
Knowing what you know now, consider how you might better find, and then speak your truth through visuddha chakra healing.You’d be surprised how listening to yourself brings forth answers you never thought were there. The practices of journaling and meditation help you get in touch with your own intuitive powers.
You may want to use a journal to brainstorm the following questions:
• Where am I holding back in terms of speaking authentically?
• Is there a particular relationship that needs healthier and more truthful communication?
• Do I always speak my truth? If not, in what areas of my life and with whom can I work on this?
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Bridge Pose |
You may also want to bring mindfulness to every word you speak. You can do this by pausing before you open your mouth to say something. During the pause, ask yourself, is what I’m about to say really true? If the answer is no, don’t say it. If the answer is yes, carry on.
You’d be amazed how bringing a sense of mindfulness to your speech really opens up your communicative skills, helping you better speak the truth in any and every situation.
Have fun finding your truth, and remember to be patient with yourself. Chakra balancing is a process and should be treated as such.
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Tibetan Singing Bowl for Master Chakra Healing |
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Palo Santo Sticks |
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Premium Yoga Mat 'Healing Heart' Collection |
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