24 dic 2019

Yoga and Tantra- Part 1

The meaning of the word Yoga is "to join together," to "make union." In the Tantric tradition sexual union is considered the highest form of Yoga. When Yoga is practiced alone, an internal "marriage" takes place between the various complementary parts of the body, such as the upper and lower life energies, the solar and lunar vitalities, the head and the heart. Yoga is the practice of transcending duality through conscious action; as such, it takes place on both physical and metaphysical levels.

The Yoga of the The physical body dynamically promotes the health and well-being of the individual. Practiced consistently and correctly, it will eliminate most of the strains and stresses of modern life. Yoga rejuvenates the body and mind by relaxing tense muscles, soothing frayed nerves, and toning the internal organs and glandular system, so preparing the whole body to be a fit vehicle for the experience of Tantric evolution. A radiantly healthy body is a prerequisite to the correct practice of Tantra.

Hatha Yoga can be learned from books, TV programs or classes, but whatever the mode of instruction, moderation and common sense must prevail. For example, one should never try to practice complex Yoga postures when physically ill, except under the guidance of a doctor or teacher, nor should one do so just before or after mealtimes. Yoga should be practiced neither immediately before nor just after extreme physical exertion. Reverse postures should not be practiced by a woman during menstruation.

 Yoga should always start with simple stretching exercises to activate the circulation of blood and the flow of vital energy.

The state of mind in which a person enters into any practice will largely determine the result. Therefore, do not be over-ambitious and force the postures, but let the body come to them gradually and naturally, when it is ready. The best times for Yoga practices are the early morning and early evening. Try to get into a regular routine. It really isn't necessary to spend hours each day on physical Yoga; ten minutes or half an hour is sufficient, provided it is practiced regularly and with concentration. Remember that the physical exercises of  Yoga are not ends in themselves but means to develop and strengthen your body and mind.

Remember that Practices or postures that one day seem impossible may be accomplished easily and naturally a week later. It is, however, important to persevere and have faith in the long-term benefits. The powers of a creative attitude and Will are tremendous. Since all the techniques of Hatha Yoga are eminently suited to the human organism, it's the unnatural conditioning of the body and mind that we must strive to overcome. Each of us is a natural Yogi or Yogini (female Yogi) if only we permit ourselves to be. Get to know your body and learn to discern its real from its imaginary needs. Be receptive and let your body speak to you directly. Above all, treat it as an intelligent friend and ally; get to know every part of it and, if necessary, coax or talk it into a state of harmony.

When two people live together, spontaneity is a crucial element to their survival as a couple. Yoga fosters this essential spontaneity and can be a shared and mutually appreciated practice. 

Yogic positions are evocative of natural elements or forces; many are named after animals, birds, or other creatures.

Yoga postures can be performed for your partner rather than for yourself alone.
Watching your partner perform the different postures stimulates the erotic sentiment. When practiced with confidence and in the right spirit, they are certainly erotic.


Many of the sexual postures outlined in the Tantra tradition are facilitated by a grounding in Hatha Yoga. I recommend practicing Yoga either in the nude or with minimal clothing for the aesthetic value, as well as to allow for maximum freedom of movement. When the body is naked, the life energies circulate more freely than when it is clothed. Furthermore, naked Yoga creates an atmosphere charged with erotic energyNaturally, if the temperature is cool, it is advisable to wear something light but
unrestricted. Synthetic fabrics are not suitable because they obstruct the free flow of vital energies; natural fabrics such as cotton, light wool, or silk are preferable. When Yoga becomes a natural part of your lifestyle, many obstacles to spiritual progress will be removed, allowing Tantric and Taoist Yogas of Love to be more easily mastered.

A person should resort to Yoga, which is like the fruit of the Wish-Granting
Tree. The Yogi destroys diseases by the postures, Karmas by breath control, and
mental disturbances by the withdrawal of the senses from the external world. A
Yogi in the highest state of Samadhi is not affected by time or any other action.

If you like the post please share it, you can check also my Instagram page @primavera.yoga , and my FB page: PRIMAVERA YOGA

If you have questions, write me in the comments below.


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