12 feb 2019

books for men about tantra


Here is a list of relationship/love/self-development man-friendly books. These are the works I recommend to all my guy friends and male acquaintances whether they would like to self develop or improve their romantic relationships or understand women. I keep hearing raving reviews. So tag your man in this post or buy him a literary present. I mean, is there anything sexier than a man who reads?  .
🖤The Truth by Neil Strauss
🖤The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida
🖤Intimate Communion by David Deida
🖤Conversations with God by Neale Walsch (3 Vol)
🖤The State of Affairs by Esther Perel
🖤Passionate Marriage by Dr. Schnarch 🖤 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
send me your recommendations in the comments. 

8 feb 2019

How to stay healthy in Bocas del Toro?

.I try to eat fresh & healthy food 

Since I had 13 years old I started to inform myself more and more about a healthy lifestyle, read a lot and tried to eat as much healthy that I could (in that time it was more difficult). That is why maybe my Ayurvedic doctor in India told me that I don't have toxins in my body :). Of course, it is also because I  am doing sport and yoga every day in my life. A lot of Nauli breathing and Kapalbhati also help..

Arriving in a new country is always a surprise, In every country, I need to adjust and change my diet depends on what I can find in the local stores. In Bocas del Toro there are local stores where I can find vegetables and fruits. There are also a lot of supermarkets ( all own by Chinese :)) where I can find surprisingly all that I need (that was hard to find in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica)
 I drink everyday fresh coconut water which fills me with
.potassium which I need after my running
every morning I start (more the 5 years already)hot water with lemon and ginger !!! so good for me for detox my body and get I function my lazy digestion system.
.Papaya full with vitamin A & C. Vitamin A important for the skin is needed for the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to the skin. Papayas contain an enzyme called papain that aids digestionPapaya is also high in fiber and water content, both of which help to prevent constipation and promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract. I also love the taste, cause here it is not so sweet. I eat also the seeds. I like to cut in half the papaya putting some yogurt on top and that's it... Also for a really healthy shake, U can make papaya, Noni, and lemon

what is Noni? So I am not that strong to eat this every day. Inside the shake, you don't really feel the taste, but to drink it as a shot every day like a lot of my friends that live in Cosa Rica do, I can't and don't feel like I need (I prefer to try to drink celery every day). Noni it is a tropical evergreen plant is rich in powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin CVitamin A, Vitamin B3 (niacin) and iron. and everyone says that it helps with anything you have. It kind of helps me with my digestion isues. worth to try.

 .fish, if I find fresh ones. I love ceviche 
Pineapple, mango, and passion fruit, although I am not a fan... too sweet
..Almonds and different kinds of nuts
yogurt cause I can't live without and I love the greek ones full with protein,
and I found here the only bread I can eat, pumpernickel it made me so happy to find it in one of the supermarkets here. that is the only bread I eat in my life. It makes me full and it is so healthy.
Almond milk with my coffee..
From the locals, I am buying homemade coconut oil to use on my body every night after a shower, and also I mix it with coffee and do peeling only for the body, which it is perfect for the skin, and also for the cellulite. I also use it once a week on my hair and it makes my hair soft.
Every night I put coco oil on my face and do massage for the face with Gua sha rock, it is a Chines method. Using the Gua Sha Gade Rock with 
gentle pressure, in the correct directions, we encourage the lymphatic fluid to move along its pathways and drain into the body. A Gua sha made of pure Jade, is a cooling and cleansing stone used in Chinese medicine for centuries to aid the body's filtration organs and lymph system to expel toxins. That 

helps me to reduce blowing in my face. My best friend from China introduced me to it one year ago and since then I am doing it everyday night or day and I found it really helpful, it is also really good  for the wrinkles.

 more about my exprience in Bocas https://mynameisaviv.blogspot.com/2019/02/bocas-del-toro.html

Hasta luego,


4 feb 2019

4/2/2019 Happy New Moon 🌚

February's new moon is a reflective and honest experience, you'll have to make some additional efforts to open yourself back up to the universe. If you don't take the time to look at yourself and your life and the choices you're making for yourself, you might risk overlooking toxins that are no longer serving you. To help you see clearly during the February new moon, I've put together a list of meditations that will open up your mind, inspire you to take a good look at yourself, and help you to see as clearly as possible.

The Aquarius New Moon is one of the best this year and carries energy that will lighten our loads and warm our souls.

This new moon presents a fantastic opportunity for us all to set intentions, ask for what we want, and plant seeds for the future. It is a wonderful time to leap from your comfort zone and to go after your wildest dreams.

Yogi life

I am doing yoga since I had 14 years old. which means 18 years already ;) not bad ah?

It all started when my Pilates teacher started to do with Sun salutation and guided meditation during the classes. I was a dancer then I moved to Pilates and different kind of classes. I loved Pilates, Learn about using the core and sitting with a straight back, and it helped me so much with my back problems.

But let's say it was the beginning of my introduction into the yoga world. I didnt really did yoga. 

While I was traveling in central America. I had 22 years old. after my 2 years in the israelian army. I went for one year traveling in the south and centeral america. I t was an amazing exprience. so important for me. In Guatamala and Costa Rica, I found some yoga classes and I went almost every day. It was diferent more hatha, using more breathing teqniqes and Mantra. I t was different but not familiar. I was leghing while they did kapalbhati or saying OM all togheter. But it was interesting to me seeing them and how calm they are.

Since then I kept on doing yoga everywhere in the world. I wanted to try all the types of yoga, many teachers and in many lenguages. every time I traveled to a new country I tried also a yoga class. I tried Vinyasa, Ashatanga, Hatha, acroyoga, yinger, bikram. In italian, hebrew, hungarese, english. I did a lot of yoga by myself too, discovering some teachers I like on youtube. it was a fun journey. I started to have some expriences ehich people used to talk about and I didnt understand how it can be. and felt in lve with Shavasana and diconected with the world. especially in cities it made take a break from the noise and from the mind like the sport for me. 

I am lucky that I love sport, even if it is in the gym (I love gym and I am doing it almost everyday even here in Panama... I also described it the other day that I feel like it's my home in every place I live) and I love running outside and hiking.. and yoga is different from me then sport, my body ask  that, like right now.

Last year I decided to go finally to India to do my TTC so I can become a yoga teacher. I wanted it since I was in Costa Rica when I had 22 years old. I always knew I want to teach yoga and Pilates and have my place and sharing with people my knowledge and my energy. So after having 2 degrees I packed my stuff and took a flight to Dharamsala in the Himalaya. I found the teacher that inspired me and started my journey as a yoga teacher. I did a course of Ashtanga, which I love and I think it is so effective for me. I stayed in India for about 3 months. studied about Ayurveda and practiced with many different teachers. I studied about Nidra yoga and Pranayama and found my Guru which asked me to come to live in her place so she can teach me more things. But I decided to start to teach yoga in the same place I fell in love with it, Costa Rica.

mmm, what a journey :)

so here in this blog, I would love to share some information about yoga and encourage you to try new things that maybe no one teaches you before during the class. also, I am studying more and more about tantra and sexual tantra and I would love to share things about it too and listen from you what do you think and information.

And now I think I'm gonna have my before bed practice 

have a good night and sweet dreams,


3 feb 2019

Bocas Del Toro

playa estrella

Bocas del Toro archipelago dots the beautiful turquoise waters off the Caribbean coast of Panama. These waters and the coral reef surrounding it with an amazing array of sea life make the islands and its main hub of activity, Bocas Town, a favorite destination for scuba diving and snorkeling.

Currency: The American dollar (USD) is used as currency.
Credit Cards and Banks: Bring as much cash as you can and don’t forget your debit card. Don’t expect to use a credit card for everyday purchases. It’s a small, simple island life here!
There is only one bank/ATM located on Isla Colón.
Climate: Bocas del Toro features a tropical rainforest climate with consistently warm temperatures and rain all year long.
Rainy season: Bocas receives large amounts of rain all year long. Pack an Umbrella!!
Dry season: There is no predictable dry season, but the driest months are October, January and March. 

?how to get to Bocas

U can have a flight from Panama city or a bus (10 hours drive).
Then you can come also from San Jose, Costa Rica with a shuttle or different buses. I took the caribe shuttle and it was really comfortable and easy, they come to pick me from my hotel and they have wifi. The brought me directly to Colon, the main Island where I stayed for the last 2 months. If you want to stay in one of the other islands like Isla Bastimentos, Isla Carneros, or Isla Solarte,

?What to do in Bocas

Scuba diving and Snorkeling

visit Starfish beach- it is a nice beach where you can swim and maybe watch some sweet starfish when all the people and music will go :) clean water.. something it is really hard to find around the main area of the island. some local restaurant with fish and lobster.

bicycle drive forms the main city of Colon to Bluff Beach. you can rent a bicycle anywhere.

A morning or sunset run with the sunrise from Colon to paki point

surf- the best spots are in Carenero, you can reach the waves with a boat wherever you are. a lot of people like to surf in Bluff but I think it is quite dangerous. check it anyway. from December to march there r the best waves in the area here.

sailing and fishing or just eat dinner on a sailing boat watching the stars. my favorite.

dancing with the locals in the street or their pubs. The people here are so nice and happy, They all say hello all the time, I miss it so much in other parts of the world. And they love to dance and usually just putting music very loud in there house and dancing and you can join them. Over Christmas, it is a huge party and you can pass through the houses and they invite you to dance Salsa.

?Where to stay in Bocas Town

difficult question. it really depends what you are looking for. but most of the people doing the same mistake and going to sleep in Selina. and I think it is a terrible place. too noisy too many kids that party and getting drunk. there are so many cute places. I am renting a house and I am really happy to give me money to the real locals of the .town
Diver Paradise Boutique Hotel seems a nice place to stay in or in Mamallena for the younger people. Thet both in a really good location where you can sleep cause the
.music will not be so loud but still, you will be a walk distance from the center

?Where to eat

Forget about fresh fish, It is really hard to get here. I still try to figure out the real reason I can't believe it is because the locals are too lazy to go fishing.

Italian food, wine, and coffee.. as someone that considers herself kind of Italian and usually I can eat Italian food outside of Italy cause it will not be good enough. Chez Ugo, you can find good Italian wine and really good coffee (Kimbo!!!
You can have here also amazing breakfast and tell Ugo I sent you and you are not .going to be disappointed

BocasART another good option in Isla Colon. The chef is a Spanish guy the food is interesting and so good. He has a mix between sushi and Spanish menu. I loved it.

Leaf Eaters Cafe in Carenero (take a boat from Colon and tell him to take you there) .nice place with nice music and a lot of things to buy :) but also good food and healthy with a lot of options for vegetarians
. I love their Hummus too.

Paki Point (close to Bluff Beach) the place is really nice and fun to hang out. amazing food and you can pick some coconut from the tree. Sometimes there are good waves in front of the place. Try the ceviche.

Beside Chez Ugo, there is a healthy supermarket where you can find healthy things which the supermarkets (they all own by Chinese and u have it every corner with the same things). for fruits and vegetables, you can buy in the local places, Banana, Papaya, Pineapple, Mango and all the rest. For my Basic Coconut water. I am picking from the tree or buying if someone sell in the street (sometimes you can coconut also in the supermarket). It is full with coconut tree all over here and it is so healthy full of magnesium and potassium which you need cause it is hot and humid over here.


I am doing private classes of Vinyasa and Ashtanga for now.
There are really not good options on the island. One of the places I tried is the purple house, call YOGA BOCAS but I didn't like the vibe, she talking a lot about herself and it is not my kind of yoga, skip it. If you are not in one of the yoga retreats you should ask for a private class or you can ask in Genesis (space who have the Shala in the picture below) if they have classes at the moment.

I found Bocas a special place, that's why I am still here more than a month. A lot of people find themselves getting stuck or coming back a lot. Some really like the nightlife, I am not one of them. I am not going out. But there is clean air, good atmosphere, the locals are happy and smiley, all the time reggeaton music around you and salsa and not too many people even in the hight season. I am happy that something brought me here and got me to know a new country. Still, I have a lot to
.see in Panama, but it is a good start

, Hasta Luego


Back to other Island

So yes I guess I have something with islands. I found this blog now and I feel like I want to share again about my experiences and my life. A lot changed I grew a lot and I still looking for my home in this not that big world called Earth.

So a little introduction cause I am really bad in the blog and social network life. I am sure I will get better and I try to share as much as I can. I am Aviv which means in Hebrew spring, primavera. I use Primavera a lot as my name cause I traveled a lot in South America anCentralal America and I loved how it sounds, but of course I love Aviv too and it is a good way to remember my name cause I introduce my self as Aviv from Tel Aviv ;)

I am 32 years old, from Israel, but I didn't live there the past 10 years. I studied my bachelor degree in architecture in Florence, Italy. Then a Master in architecture in Milan. I lived then in Fuerteventura, Canary islands for 4 months worked in a yoga retreat, did a lot of yoga a little surf (too cold) and enjoyed the island easy life.

then my ex asked me to come and live with him in Milan, so I tried it again. I like/ don't like Milan. I lived there for almost 4 months and I can't do it anymore. I love Italy but Milan its too much. the city life is too much for. I like to come to Milan and go to the opera, walking around, see people art museums but then I need a beach or nature, mountains.

I left to Israel, worked as an architect for 5 months in Tel Aviv. It was a nightmare. Israel it is a hard place for me and now I can't live there anymore but I like to visit my friends and family.. they all there and seems like they love it. I am so jealous of people who know where they want to live there life. so easy.

I took a flight to India and decided to do finally what I always wanted to do. teach yoga, make people happy and connected to themselves. and the best place for that is of course India. I do yoga since I am 14 and it became more and more a huge part of my life. India was so good and interesting, amazing conversations. I stayed in the same place for 3 months and it was an important thing in my life.

from there I felt that I need to go back to Costa Rica. I have been in costa 10 years ago. I finished my big trip after the army (all the Israeli doing a big trip after being for 2/3 years in the army)... I remembered always Santa as the place I would like to live there and have my family there. since I am really ready to have a family and meet the right one I decided that I need to go back there. So tok a flight back to Israel, change to a suitcase with a lot of swimsuits and also summer clothes and after a short visit to Europe, I moved to Costa Rica. It was nice going back to that place changed but also I changed. I become more confused about where I should live and where the hell is my other half...???? hahaha if you saw him let him know where I am cause I am changing places all the time. poor guy.

Santa Teresa is beautiful and really nice people came to live there. I can't live there.. its so remote and I am not in love with my surfboard as the other people there.. it is all about surfing. I can live there part of the year if I had a family cause the kids are so happy there but I miss the culture and other conversation not just about the waves and how to build more and more and destroying the nature... they build too many animals get killed too many floods.

so I moved to Bocas del Toro, Panama... why... cause life brought me here. and now I am here already 2 months. Island, tropical one. not the place I would like to live in but it is fun until it will be warmer in Europe. I miss Europe. I miss hiking and the different languages and European men and I hope I will find a place that I like next to a lake and can teach there yoga and yea also find the love of my life.

so... hey nice to meet you whoever would like to follow me and learn about yoga, sexual tantra, traveling in a nonconventional way, meditation, healthy life, living life in Primavera way... I have a lot to share (that's what a lot of people I meet tell me all the time so I feel like I need to do it) and I love writing and I miss it

and I AM REALLY SORRY ABOUT MY MISTAKES IN ENGLISH!!! it is not my mother language and I am speaking 4 languages almost a day

that's it for now. I start to write more. I don't know ever how to start. so many things to share :)

have a beautiful day/evening full of love and amazing music

.I am in an Italian music mood



How do you engage your mula bandha?

The  bandhas   are shrouded in mystery. And for good reason! Like the  chakras , you can’t see them with the naked eye. Mula bandha is on...