16 apr 2020

The Human Design

The quarantine makes me interested in more and more areas that I have not touched on yet or it was not the right time to touch them.

I heard about Human Design many years ago, but I didn't research in depth, I knew I was a generator and that's it. About two weeks ago, I came across a free course that explains everything (it is in Hebrew, if someone want, I can send him a link). And I discovered something new that can teach me more about myself and my purpose in this life, and then you don't look for changing yourself. sometimes to grow is just to except who you really, but really are J

What is Human Design?

The Human Design System is an empirical science. It is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. It combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah´s Tree of Life, the Indian chakra system, genetics and quantum physics. Using a person´s birth data a so-called rave chart or body graph is created. In the body graph you can see a person´s unique potential and challenges in amazing depth and detail. This blueprint allows people to realign with their very own and unique life path and purpose.

Conscious and unconscious traits, personal interactions, and challenges in all human experiential fields (i.e. psychology, nutrition, communication, politics, marketing, business world, economy, human resource management, relationships, sex, family life, parenting, etc.) can be explained mechanically so creative solutions can be found. 

Human Design does not tell us to live by new rules and believes in order to get a better life, quite to the contrary it states that any statement can be challenged and tested. The knowledge is validated through experience, through experimenting with it in life…
Ra Uru Hu (born Alan Robert Krakauer) is the founder of the Human Design Systems.
The BodyGraph is a map of genetic code that shows how our energy is here to correctly engage in the world. Have you ever wondered if you are using your energy, your life force correctly? When you look at your BodyGraph, you see how your energy is designed to “mechanically” navigate the world.

What is the intent of Human Design? 

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, says: At the very least people will get a sense of relief when they understand their design. Say someone comes for a reading and they are beating themselves up because they like to spend a lot of time alone. Maybe their friends and family think there’s something wrong with them, that they’re anti-social. When I look at their design, I see that they have ten lines of the Hermit and some gates of aloneness (in other words, they are designed to spend a lot of time alone). We have all of these mental stories about how we cannot be ourselves. Just .simply understanding how you are hardwired is so helpful. We are not designed to be alike!

What are the different types and their Strategies?

Strategy types:
Generators represent about 70 percent of the population. They are the life force of the planet, the builders. They have a defined Sacral center (more on centers below) and an open and enveloping aura that is constantly pulling life to them. Their Strategy is to respond, as opposed to initiating. It’s a sacral response (this can be sacral sounds, body movement, etc.) that lets them know if they are available to give their energy to something or not. When Generators initiate from a mental place (instead of waiting for this response), they can end up feeling deeply frustrated and degenerated rather than regenerated and satisfied in their life and work.
Projectors represent about 20 percent of the population. The strategy is to wait for recognition and invitation. Their focused and penetrating aura gives them the ability to see deeply into others. When invited and recognized (i.e. they feel appreciated and seen), Projectors are here to be our most gifted guides. Their openness leaves them vulnerable to conditioning (more on this below). If Projectors are focusing on the wrong people and have not been really recognized, this can lead to exhaustion and bitterness. Projectors need to learn to be very discerning about engaging their energy. They are natural at mastering systems, and when they use their energy correctly, will experience success in their life and relationships.
Manifestors represent about 9 percent of the population. As natural initiators, their Strategy is to inform those around them of their decisions before they take action. Manifestors have a powerful impact; their closed and repelling aura can make others feel off-balance and want to control the Manifestor. When a Manifestor shares with others, this naturally relaxes those around them and removes energetic resistance, allowing them to initiate in peace. Manifestors can be an initiating catalyst for the other types, too. When they are moving through life without informing others, Manifestors can end up feeling angry as a result of the resistance they experience.
Reflectors represent about 1 percent of the population. If you have all of your centers open then you are a Reflector. You have a resilient aura that samples the energies around you and reflects them. The way in which the Reflectors process experience is very different from the other types. Because their chemistry magnifies everything and everyone, Reflectors have the potential to see what is happening in a way that no one else can. Their greatest gift is to read others and their environments. When they are healthy and in the right place, Reflectors experience the wonder and surprise of life. If, however, Reflectors end up identifying with what they are mirroring, they can become exhausted and disappointed.

What open centers are?

We are always putting out energy and we are always taking in energy. The nine centers of the body are energy hubs that transform or transmute our life force. When a center on your BodyGraph is defined or colored in, it is fixed and reliable in the way in which it functions and operates. The centers on your chart that are white are open. These undefined centers are not broken or empty, and they do not need to be fixed, but they are the places where we are most vulnerable to outside influences. We can learn from them and gather wisdom, but we shouldn’t make decisions from these centers. We’re constantly conditioned through our open centers as we engage with life. Conditioning is not something that needs to be 
avoided, but it can become an issue if we take action based on it.

For example, For example, an open root center: The root center is a pressure center associated with the adrenal system and the production of stress hormones. It is a source of fuel or a physical pressure. The Not-Self question (asking it shows the opposite of your true self) for the open root center is: Am I still in a hurry to get rid of the pressure? When I am being run by my open root center, I am rushing around at Mach speed, maybe talking too fast or driving too fast, or completing a six-week deadline in six days. The amplified pressure in my body is very uncomfortable, so I want to get rid of it as fast as possible. My mind will make up a story that says if I move faster and get that thing done, the pressure will go away. It’s such a joke because the pressure always comes back! The pressure in and of itself is not a problem, but when I attach mental stories to it and believe those stories, my energy is all over the place. Constantly acting on this amplified pressure can result in accidents, serious energetic burnout (adrenal fatigue, anyone?), and overall poor decision making.

That is something that Generator with a close (colored) Spleen center can say, but not everyone is supposed to make decisions based on their own intuition. Because it is their part that is influenced by others and change consistently.

You can calculate your own may here https://www.ihdschool.com/get-your-chart



My favorite

Tibetan Singing Bowl for Master Chakra Healing

Palo Santo Sticks

Premium Yoga Mat 'Healing Heart' Collection 

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