17 mar 2020


If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, like your life has been turned upside-down, or you’ve had intense fears about money or your family’s security, or a virus that put you on lockdown in your house!
That’s because my intuition came knocking this morning, inspiring me to put together a list of quick, easy, super-powerful methods for combatting root chakra issues (aka, money or security fears, father issues, problems with a sense of safety).

My Top Ten Go-To Secrets for Grounding Your Energy
  1. Eat root vegetables. Foods that come from the ground provide your body with special nutrients and energy and are a great way to ground yourself. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, onions, parsnips, turnips, garlic, radishes, rutabagas, and ginger are all ideal examples of root vegetables that can be cooked up in warm dishes.
  2. Eat protein. With its dense, tight structure, proteins are a fantastic way to add grounding energy to your body. Try healthy items like chia seeds, or almonds. Yogis who are not vegetarian or vegan can help themselves feel more grounded by taking advantage of the high protein content in high-quality meat sources like fish, poultry. Just be sure to select meats that are as cruelty-free and environmentally-friendly as possible by looking for labels like organic, hormone-free, free-range, grass-fed, etc.
  3. Do a grounding meditation. Close your eyes and imagine roots coming out from your feet, going deep into the Earth, touching her core, and then wrapping around the globe two or three times. Imagine letting go of anything that no longer serves you, and watch it go down all the way to the core of the Earth, where it is transmuted by fire into new life force energy. Finally, imagine pulling up fresh brand new energy from the Earth. Visualize this energy coming up through the roots and into your body, centering, grounding, and motivating you.
  4. Use essential oils. Woodsy scents like cedarwood, sandalwood, cinnamon bark, and black spruce are fantastic for bringing groundedness into your energy. Apply a drop or two to the inside of your wrist or tailbone, or take a few breaths anytime you feel unstable. Frankincense, myrrh, and ylang-ylang are also good for grounding and comfort during times of transition.
  5. Gather some gemstones. Stones like red jasper, bloodstone, smoky quartz, and hematite are excellent aids in rooting one’s energy. You can carry the stone in your purse or pocket, hold it while you meditate. While you can find images of the stones online and access the energy that way.
  6. Go Earthing. Western Medicine is starting to wake up to the importance of the physical connection between human beings and the Earth – and for good reason: it’s extremely beneficial for our health! Plus, it’s easy; just kick off your shoes and socks and find some grass, soil, or sand to walk around on or in. Aim for a minimum of 10 minutes when you’re tight on time, but 30 minutes a day several times a week will brighten your spirits quickly and easily! If you’re unable to make it anywhere to ground yourself today, look for meditation that will guide you to feel like you are walking on the sand in the beach, visualization can give you the same effect as really doing it.
  7. Do some gardening. Similar to Earthing but with your hands, any time you’re working with the soil of Mother Earth, you bring healthy nutrients and spirituality into your body. Gardening can be an extremely spiritual practice and can even mirror things you are going through in your life, such as needing to weed and needing to release emotional stress, fears or uncertainty. Gardening also reflects the cycles of life and teaches us that plants, like humans, need certain things to survive and thrive.
  8. Do something you love that also feels good for you. Whenever I feel off-balance or overwhelmed, I turn to activities that are gentle, nurturing, and fulfilling. For me, that’s writing, meditating, and getting out in nature. What brings you peace, joy and a feeling of comfort? Do you have any hobbies or activities where you seem to “lose track of time” because you enjoy them so much? Those are a great place to start, and that is not watching Netflix.
  9. Exercise. Nothing can bring you into your body and focused on the present moment faster than some good, old-fashioned walking, running, or biking. Since those are the two main goals of grounding.
  10. Yoga. Yoga poses like, Tadasana, Yogic Squat (Malasana), Balasana (child pose), Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Supta Baddha Konasana, Viparita Kirani, Tree Pose .

Well, there you have it! My go-to, 10 item list of easy, effective, and quick grounding techniques.

Take care and please live me a comment if you like the post.



My favorite

Tibetan Singing Bowl for Master Chakra Healing

Palo Santo Sticks

Premium Yoga Mat 'Healing Heart' Collection 

For more articles:

Check out my morning ritual: https://mynameisaviv.blogspot.com/2019/12/my-morning-riutal.html

My daily wellness routine: https://mynameisaviv.blogspot.com/2019/12/daily-wellness-routine.html

Let's get Social:

Instagram: @primavera.yoga
Youtube: mynameisaviv
Facebook: primavera.yoga

12 mar 2020

Stressed About Coronavirus? Here’s some of my tips for optimizung your immune system

Tips For Optimizing Your Immune System


1. Gargle warm salt water and use a neti pot. These ancient Ayurvedic strategies—dissolving about ½ tsp. Himalayan or sea salt in 8 oz. of warm water—is “non-negotiable” if you are trying to prevent sickness. Germs and bacteria hang out in your nose and throat 24 hours before digging into your bloodstream and affecting your immunity, and salt clears them out. You can use these saltwater rinses as preventative measures or when you start to feel sick.

2. Sleep it off. “A balanced circadian clock (or your internal time-keeping for cycles of sleep and alertness) is directly linked to a strong immune system, according to Ayurveda

3. Drink.  A lot of water always, but now especially with a lung infection. One of the most revered Ayurvedic herbs, tulsi is known as stress, fever, and headache reducer and lung clearer. Add ginger (a lot of it all day). Lemon with ginger in the morning with warm water directly when you wake up. Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning supports the natural movement of the bowels, instead of depending on coffee to do the work. It also rehydrates you after sleeping and helps flush excess mucus and toxins out of the digestive tract, which is good for immunity boosting.
 Lime juice and orange juice also the white part of them are very healthy.
@primavera.yoga sunlight is so important to us

I discover only now about-  Shungite, Shungite is a black, lustrous, non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 weight percent of carbon. It cleans water and protects from radiation.
4. Supplement. If tulsi isn’t your cup of tea, you can boost immunity and fight immune-compromising fatigue and anxiety with turmeric as a natural anti-microbial.
@primavera.yoga Deep breathe <3

5. Breathe deep. Your lungs are your biggest lymph pumps, clearing out clutter and toxins. I suggest daily practice of breathing like Nauli and Kapalabhati to clean your body and then relax practice Pranayama breathe. 

6. Massage it out. daily abhyanga, or self-massage, with organic oils—such as sesame, though olive and coconut work too—to nourish and hydrate the skin and settle frazzled nerves. 
7. Take Vata-balancing breaks during the day.  make sure to take a few minutes, ideally up to 20, for mindfulness practices, walks, quiet sitting, or slow flow or Restorative Yoga, especially toward the end of the day when you’ve put in hours of work and maybe pushing your limits. Don’t skimp on Savasana, allowing your nervous system to reset. 
8. Essential oils. Use diffusers, you can use a basic one in your house but if you are having trouble with your lungs then do get a nebulizer. Lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, thyme!!, oregano.
9. Exercise and yoga. especially detoxifying postures. Sweating is good for eliminating toxins.
10. Clean food, not junk food. Raw food. Greens: Kale, spinach, arugula, celery, coriander. Fennel. It is always the best thing to eat seasonal food. Ayurveda recognizes that the earth gives us the antidote to each season in the different seasonal harvests. Ayurveda's goal is to live in harmony with the seasons, prevent the doshas from going out of balance, prevent disease, and maintain health. If that's not reason enough, it's also more affordable to eat what's in season—it's what is usually on sale. Plus, eating local is eco-friendly!
Go to walk in nature, barefoot. It is so important

Try not to watch the news. Enjoy time at home, learn something new, you can use Duolingo, Coursera. 
read books (I have many recommendations here https://mynameisaviv.blogspot.com/2019/12/book-club.html), 
try to meditate every morning, you can use the app. Insight Timer (I love it and the sound options you can choose while meditating). Raise your energy, it is good for all humanity.
Journaling everything you feel, what missing in your life, what do you like about yourself.
Learn new recipes, healthy ones ;).
And try to help people who can't leave their homes. Maybe bring them food or medicine from the pharmacy. Especially if you have old people in your building and it is better that they will not go out.



My favorites:

Sport Fruit Infuser Water Bottle
Sugarmat- my favorite travel mat
Crystal Water Bottle - Rose Quartz

5 Reasons You Can’t Hear Your Intuition
What a Traditional 7-Day Ayurvedic Detox Looks Like- journey toward healing - Part 2

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