28 mag 2020

Orgasm during a yoga practice? The yogasm plesure

yogasm requires not a specific position but a state of mind – it may take weeks, months or years of physical workouts to achieve it. But it is most often achieved during a deep meditative yoga designed to lead to spiritual awakening. It is not just a physical orgasm, but far beyond it. It feels like a huge release of energy. I get involuntary spasms and a ripple of energy through me and experience the most intense ecstasy. How to get it? keep reading :)

@primavera.yoga getting deep into the pose in Greece :)

I am not talking about classes in the US with flowers and sensual music. I am talking about feeling kind of orgasm while practicing Asanas (Ashtanga, Vinyasa are more effective for me), it exists but it can be a little embracing when it happens next to others (especially when it happens in front of your Indian teacher during my TTC when then he asks me to try to be quite hahaha.. oops). No one needs to touch you, you just go so deep into the practice and using deep breathing (Ujjay breath with a deep sound while using your belly- inhale blow your stomach and when you exhale pull it in as much as you can, slow and deep ;)).

@primavera.yoga the Mudra for the heart chakra

A yogasm does not always feel the same as a physical orgasm, rather, it is experienced all over the body. Some people do have a genital orgasm at the same time, though, and spontaneous orgasms can definitely happen, too. 
Anyone can achieve yogasm, even men (but I am still waiting for it to happen during my classes :).

@primavera.yoga Marathi Island, Greece

I teach people just to breath a bit more fully and deeply and to try to really feel the parts of the body wich the asana refers to, and then try to breathe and get deeper. I ask them to use their imagination and move this energy through their body. It’s a bit like mindfulness, a bit like meditation. But as a normal orgasm, it should come naturally :).

The main thing about yoga is that it gets people to have a better relationship with themselves. It’s about bringing people back to understand their own bodies in the best way that they can. People will sometimes text me saying that they felt euphoric after a class or that they have had better sex because of it.


The other thing is that it helps them to feel better physically and emotionally, so they feel more alive in their relationships, and from that, they might have a better sex life. I guess it is even more important then yogasm ;).


Sex researchers are also honing in on the subject: “It’s another way that a woman can bring herself to orgasm without touching herself,”.
There are other non-sexual activities that are said to induce orgasms, such as ecstatic birth (I didn't try it yet, so I can't tell about it 😃).

@primavera.yoga Eat more Plants. Do more yoga 😊

you can ask questions on the comment below :)
Have a beautiful day,



My favorite

Tibetan Singing Bowl for Master Chakra Healing

Palo Santo Sticks

Premium Yoga Mat 'Healing Heart' Collection 

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